Seeds of Wisdom understands the importance of having qualified individuals as math and reading instructors. Our instructors are certified teachers or approved paraprofessionals with current credentials/experience in reading and math. Each instructor shares our same commitment to student success and has passed our exhaustive background screening process. We ensure both student safety and increased academic achievement.
Seeds of Wisdom Learning Center, is an organization committed to providing exceptional Supplemental Educational Services to families Everywhere. Seeds of Wisdom has developed a model of engaging and then educating students in the areas of Math and Reading through creative and varied means. Our students receive a diagnostic skill based assessment in math and/or reading and based on the results, Seeds of Wisdom instructors prepare an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) that addresses skill-gap weaknesses as well as strengthens existing skills.
The Seeds of Wisdom Reading Curriculum is based upon the findings of the National Reading Panel (NRP), and includes instruction in the areas of: phonemic awareness, systemic phonics, guided oral reading, vocabulary development, and text comprehension strategies.
The Seeds of Wisdom Math Program utilizes current and up to date strategies to assist with Success. in Learning; using the same curriulum used with successful Home School Programs.
To ensure our supplemental programs are effective, we conduct monthly follow-up assessments and make adjustments to the Individual Learning Plans as needed.